A GWAS/eQTL colocalization database

GWAS2eQTL is a database of colocalized GWAS variants and eQTLs. It is based on the EBI eQTL Catalogue and GWAS from the IEU OpenGWAS database The colocalizations have been carried out between eQTLs and GWAS variants using the CRAN coloc software. The output comes from the coloc.abf function in the CRAN coloc package. The colocalisations here have a PP.H4.ABF ≥ 0.75. These colocalisations include 138,274 variants and 8,824,741 combinations of variant/gene/biosample/GWAS with between 127 eQTL studies and 293 GWAS.


  • All fields are optional.
  • The output is cut to a maximum of 100000 rows.
  • Inputs 'RSID', 'GWAS trait', 'gene symbol', 'gene ID' and 'eQTL sample' have the autocomplete attribute.
  • Query filters are combined using the 'AND' operator, that is, more filters decrease the number of results.
  • Description of the columns is in the About tab.
Enter a email or query name to receive the result URL by email (Optional)
Filter by genome location eigher in Hg19 or Hg38 coordinates
Human hg19
Human hg38
Filter either by an RSID or a list of RSIDs
List of RSIDs
Filter by GWAS, eQTL or "Coloc" parameters

Cutoff of the probability PP.H4.abf that both traits are associated and share a single causal variant in the interval 0.75-1.

Cutoff of the probability SNP.PP.H4 for each SNP to be causal conditional on PP.H4.abf being true.